
Your giving changes people’s lives. It helps Emmanuel UMC reach out in bold, inclusive, and relevant ways. This is why we exist: to create a Jesus-loving, inclusive community that shares the Good News and collaborates with God to transform the world.

Your giving also changes you. It slowly ignites a new way of life in which you realize that everything you have is from God, that you have been gifted and are therefore called to pass on the gift to someone else: to use your resources wisely and generously.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Pledge?

A pledge is not a gift made today. Rather, a pledge is your promise to provide a certain amount of financial support to the work of Christ’s church in the year ahead. Each fall, members are asked to complete a pledge card for the year ahead, so the finance committee can plan for the coming year’s budget. We understand that things change, so a pledge is never a commitment, rather a guideline for us as we plan the coming year.

Why Should I Give?

Emmanuel asks for our pledge now, so that our leadership can plan the program life of the church for the year ahead, and do so with a balanced budget. Making an annual stewardship pledge is a commitment of your financial support for the coming year. You may fulfill your pledge on any schedule that meets your needs – weekly, monthly, quarterly or in one lump sum.

The vitality of our church depends on your ongoing, committed support. This support includes your financial commitment, participation in worship and other parish activities, including the offering of your time and talent.

A pledge lets you plan your charitable giving for the year ahead, makes tax accounting easier, and allows us to fulfill our mission sharing the love of Jesus Christ.

How Much Should I Give?

The biblical standard is to give 10% of your income. Our challenge is to give 10% more to Emmanuel in 2025. It doesn’t matter the amount; it’s the proportion that matters!

How Can I Give
If you choose to donate via cash or check, your gifts can be mailed to Emmanuel United Methodist Church, 10755 Scaggsville Rd., Laurel, MD 20723, dropped in our locked mailbox, or dropped in our offering plate.
Two Electronic Giving Options are available: Electronic Funds Transfer or Emmanuel Online Giving. These are the easiest, most cost-effective giving options for both you and the church.
• Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
With Electronic Funds Transfer, you can reinforce your commitment to give your offerings to God first, before anything else. To establish an electronic funds transfer, you will need to complete a pledge form authorizing the EFT and attach a voided check for the account you will use. If you used EFT in 2024, your current commitment will continue unless you submit a Commitment Pledge with a new amount.
 Online Giving
Online Giving is a convenient, secure online system for debit card or credit card contributions. For recurring contributions, Online Giving will charge your card on the day/frequency you select. To use Online Giving, go to eumclaurel.org/give and click on the “Give Here” button at the bottom of the page. Use your existing account to make updates, or set up a new account online.

Pledge Form

Your annual Giving Pledge reflects your financial commitment to support your church’s ministry throughout the year. We ask that everyone return a Commitment to Giving Pledge. You can always increase or decrease your commitment if your situation changes. For 2024, we ask that you consider this pledge a pledge to the General Operating Fund.

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