As Emmanuel’s Church Treasurer, Alan Williams is responsible for for maintaining church and preschool accounting systems and payroll, paying bills, and keeping financial records for the church and preschool. He is a native ‘Bostonian’ who some times ‘talks funny’ and has been a member at Emmanuel since relocating to Maryland from Salt Lake City, Utah in 2000. Alan has a BSBA from Northeastern University and an MBA from Boston University and retired working full time in 2015 after 45+ years in information technology and management in the retail industry. Alan continues to serve as the Treasurer for three small aircraft leasing partnerships and volunteers providing personal technology support at the North Laurel Senior Center. He is married and is the father of two grown children. Alan enjoys flying missions for Angel Flight Mid-Atlantic, traveling with his spouse, Diane and friends, skiing with the family and friends, and relaxing by the pool with a good book to read.
Alan Williams
Church Treasurer

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