Emmanuel will again be accepting advent gift donations and poinsettia orders. The Poinsettias will be used to decorate the Sanctuary for worship services on December 22nd and Christmas Eve. You may order Poinsettias or donate an Advent Gift in memory or honor of a loved one through Monday, December 15. Please look for green Advent Gifts and Poinsettia order form handouts in the Narthex or online at www.eumclaurel.org/advent.  The donations will be used to support CASA, a national organization building power and improving the quality of life in working-class Black, Latino/a/e, Afro-descendent, Indigenous, and Immigrant communities. CASA creates change by blending human services, community organizing, and advocacy in order to serve the full spectrum of the needs, dreams, and aspirations of members. Complete details may be found on the green insert. 


(Advent page needs to be updated: replace Dec 21 with Blues Blue Christmas; remove “Besides our 10AM services…”; update Christmas decorating date; add button for “Advent Gifts and Poinsettia Order Form” and link it as a downloadable form only! It can be found at ADVENT POINSETTIAS 2024 Web Order Form.pdf )