Join us on Sunday, September 29 at 3 PM at High Ridge Community Park Pavilion (located at 10100 Superior Ave in Laurel) for our annual church picnic! Please bring a side or dessert dish to share, a drink container (so we can avoid using plastic cups), and non-perishable food donations for the LARS Food Pantry. We will be grilling hamburgers, veggie burgers and hot dogs, and drinks will be provided. Come for some great fellowship, play horse shoes, soccer, volleyball, kickball, and enjoy the great playground!

Cost: Pay online via our website, on Sunday (designate payment for picnic), or pay Becky at the event!

Adults and Youth (age 13 and up): $10

Kids (ages 4-12): $5

Tots & Seniors (age 3 and under/you’re as young as you feel!): Free!

Please sign up if you are planning to attend so we can get an approximate count ahead of time! Last minute attendees are always welcome! Sign up HERE!